Basic Terms and Conditions

  1. As per the company terms the client should have maintain his basic details information example his legal address.
  2. After completed the project discussion client should have bear minimum 30% as an adv. Of his total cost of project.
  3. Once the project start the client never withdraw his project in mid time. If such thing happen then the client must have paid some penalty i.e. minimum Rs 10,000/- or the charges will be applied as per the number of days spend for this particular period
  4. As per the client status or request the payment may have divided into maximum 3 parts.
  5. After delivered the project the client must have paid or clear the rest of dues within 2 days.
  6. After completed the scenario of the project documentation, in between the project working if the client want to change or modify or add some extra new features then the some extra charges will be applied for this purpose.
  7. If any doubts or queries related to the project in time of developing the client should have cooperate without any spend of more time.
  8. At the time of discussing the project, the client must have given the response by mail or tele-calling within 2 days.
  9. If any dispute arises, then it would be finalize by the Balasore Judicial.
  10. If the Cheque bounces, that will be applicable step taken by the Govt. of India rules.